At one point in our lives, we all come across children throwing tantrums, crying fighting etc. Normally we either scold, punish or criticize them without actually trying to acknowledge or find the underlying reason for such behavior. Behavioral problems in children can be classified into physiological disorders, habitual disorders, anxiety disorders, disruptive behavior and troubled sleep patterns etc. However, these problems are quite common in children and often reflect a child's immediate environment. If identified timely, these disruptive behavioral patterns can be temporary and reversed however, if not corrected timely they can persist and manifest in future as rage, depression, lying, stealing and lack of judgment making and many other negative behaviors.
Stressed children often display habits like thumb sucking, nail biting, body rocking that appear to calm them but they may also show other aggressive behaviors like hair pulling, head banging, hitting , biting etc. Usually children stop the troublesome behavior with age but there can also be few who persist and may become emotionally distant, introvert and unsocial. Rather than scolding, hitting, punishing or reprimanding he children, parents need to display a reassuring, understanding and caring behavior and try to relax or calm the agitated child. They need to give the child space and time to relax and be approachable so that the child can open up and talk to them and share their feelings. We need to understand that these behaviors can also be an imitation of an elder family member or a friend. In such cases , it is vital that parents and teachers observe such behavior and work as a team to rectify it. One can also take help from a Special educator, counselor, clinical psychologist depending on the condition of the child. It is vital for parents, teachers and a child's social circle to provide children a safe, loving and healthy atmosphere so that he/she can develop into an emotionally, morally, mentally, physically and socially healthy individual.