Musical Holy Hearts
The school lays high focus on cultural activities. The students are given opportunities to sharpen their skills in singing/dancing in the school. The school also promotes its students to participate in the City level & State level programmes. In order to give a structured shape to efforts in Music & Dance a school cub has been formed - “Tansen Club”. The club is run by efforts of students under guidance of their teachers. The club has facilities to conduct singing/dancing training classes. The faculties in school provide students training for instruments like Violin, Guitar, Sitar, Tabla, Harmonium, Drums, etc. The faculties in the school are also trained to teach students Classical, Indo western and Western dances.
The faculties responsible for “Tansen Club” : Ms. Rakshanda Kamle, an alumnusof Indira Kala alam Sangeet Vishvavidyalaya, Khairagarh (C.G.). other contributors are Ms. Shalini Mishra & Mr. Tilak Ram Sahu