Rules and Regulations
Applicable to all the pupils of School
- Mobile Phones & Motor bikes are strictly not allowed. If students are found using them, strict Action Will be Taken.
- Leave for half day should not be asked unless very urgent.
- In emergency case, permission can be granted by the Director/Principal.
- Hair Code for non-Sikh boys will be followed strictly.
- 75% Attendance is MUST.
- Students are advised not to bring valuable articles. School shall not undertake any responsibility for the loss.
- Never deposit the fee to any person except in the fee counter of School office. Receipts of fees deposited must be taken. Do keep the original receipts of fees deposited with you through the academic session.
- Care must be taken of all school property and if any damage is done, it will be made good by the concerned student together with a fine imposed for the offence.
- All students are expected to join the school on the notified date at the beginning of the term.
- Parents must first consult the school calendar, date sheets and other circulars, before making enquiries on the phone.
- Even if the students are admitted later during the term, fees for the whole academic session will be charged.
- Parents are requested to inform the school if there is any change in their address and telephone numbers.
- Children when sick, should not be sent to school to attend tests/classes.
- Parents are requested not to enter classroom to see their children or teachers during school hours.
- Parents are requested to spare some time for their wards & attend PTM to get update information of the activities of their wards. For the convenient of the Parents , the School has decided to have PTM on Sundays.
- Parents should make sure that for any absence from the school, written application is sent to the class teacher. In case of emergency only, short leave will be given.
- No student shall indulge in any of the following practices : Misbehaviour, Bursting of Crackers, Playing Holi in the School Campus, Spoiling Flowers and Plants etc. They should also not use foul language. Student will be punished/expelled from the school if found involved in above written activities.
- Important dates of calendar are communicated, well in advance, through the students or through remarks of class teachers in their diary. Students will be responsible for any misinterpretation of any rule of this code of conduct to their parents, of keeping them in the dark about the remarks given by the authority of the School.
- Parents should check the student diary every day and note the homework and other instructions given. They are advised to check the bags of their wards to see if any circular/notice/invitation etc. has been issued.
- Please ensure that your ward reaches school on or before reporting time under all circumstances. Henceforth late comers will be sent back home.